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About OMV (Norge) AS

OMV was established in Norway in 2006. Today, the company has a portfolio of many licenses on the Norwegian continental shelf, whereas several operated. OMV (Norge) AS is located in Stavanger. We have grown to more than 120 employees and contractors.
The Norwegian continental shelf is defined as a core region for the OMV group. Norway has a world class safety culture and high level of technological expertise. Being part of an integrated oil and gas company OMV (Norge AS) can also utilize synergies with OMV's downstream gas and power business in terms of equity energy supply to Europe.
Production from OMV (Norge) AS comes from Aasta Hansteen, Gullfaks, Gudrun and Edvard Grieg. The company has an active approach to mature the Iris Hades discoveries in the Norwegian Sea to future production.

Factsheet OMV (Norge) AS (PDF, 789.0 KB)

  • OMV Blog: Joint Ventures – strong partnerships in the oil and gas industry. More Info